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Ectropion in Phoenix and Sun City

Ectropion is when the eyelid is turned out. Not only can this disturb the natural appearance of the eyelid, but it can be quite uncomfortable. The eyelid is meant to oppose the globe and when it is turned out and no longer opposed, the eyelid and eyeball can turn red and become irritated. The eye may tear and a foreign body sensation or irritation is often felt.

Artificial tears and lubricants can aid the sense of irritation, but ultimately same day surgery to restore the natural position of the eyelid can be performed for restoration and comfort. There are multiple potential causations to this irritating problem, and Dr. Mihora will find out what is causing this problem in your eyelid as well as discuss the best method to fix this problem.

Dr. Lisa Mihora has over 15 years of experience providing treatment for ectropion for patients in Phoenix, Sun City, Peoria, and throughout the West Valley. See before and after photos from real patients of Dr. Mihora and call our eye clinic in Phoenix at (623) 522-8687 to schedule your appointment today!

Before & After Photos

before and after ptosis-ectropion eye treatment

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